Running PartKeepr from GIT

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Revision as of 13:40, 1 February 2017 by Felicitus (talk | contribs)
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You can run PartKeepr from the GIT repository.


Initial setup

git clone        # clones PartKeepr in the PartKeepr subdirectory.
cd PartKeepr
cp app/config/parameters.php.dist app/config/parameters.php # copies the default parameters to ensure composer can run.
composer install                                            # Installs all PartKeepr requirements

Now open the setup by opening web/setup and run it.


git pull                                                    # Updates PartKeepr to the latest GIT version
cp app/config/parameters.php app/config/parameters.old.php  # Make a backup of the old parameters.php file
cp app/config/parameters.php.dist app/config/parameters.php # Use the parameters.php.dist file to ensure all settings are present
rm -rf app/cache/*                                          # Ensures all cached configurations are cleared
composer install                                            # Installs latest packages
cp app/config/parameters.old.php app/config/parameters.php  # Restores the parameters.php backup

Now re-run setup or use the snippet below.

Console commands

Here are the console commands to run the PartKeepr update process without having to re-run setup manually. Note that you need to have phing installed.

php app/console cache:clear --env=prod                        # Clears the production cache
php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction  # Executes the database migrations
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force                # Updates the database schema

phing                                                         # Builds all required files and warms up the cache
php app/console partkeepr:cron:run                            # Runs all crons