PartKeepr on uberspace

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Uberspace is a pretty cool German Hosting Provider. This article focuses on PartKeepr Version > 0.7x. For previous versions look below.


  • Uberspace Account and SSH connection
  • Using https connections is highly recommended!

Configuring Uberspace

Install composer

curl -sS | php -- --filename=composer --install-dir=$HOME/bin

(source: [1])

Install APCu

uberspace-install-pecl apcu-4.0.10
killall php-cgi

You have to modify APCu-Version according to your version of PHP. Here 5.3.0 < PHP < 7.0.0-dev Also look here: [2]

Edit php.ini

Set maximal execution time (mandatory, but will otherwise create warning in setup).


Changes for PHP5.6 (see: [PHP_5.6]):


PartKeepr installation

Download Partkeepr

First change to your preferred installation folder. Then download the latest PartKeepr version and extract files:

tar -jxvf filename.tar.bz2

You can also install and update PartKeepr from git. Follow these instructions and continue here: [Running_PartKeepr_from_GIT]

configure .htaccess

If you are installing PartKeepr on a “Subdomain” you have to add in


the following line

RewriteBase /web

create parameters.php

cd PartKeepr
cp app/config/parameters.php.dist app/config/parameters.php

Download PHP Modules and install

composer install


The setup will automatically guide you through the installation process. You can start setup in your Browser:


After successful setup you can access PartKeepr via


If you wish to have a more comfortable solution you can add a .htaccess file above web folder, with the following content

DirectoryIndex /web

Post install

Add Runwhen- or Cronjob

0 0,6,12,18 * * * /usr/bin/php <path-to-partkeepr>/app/console partkeepr:cron:run

Example for Cron (Runwhen recommended).

OLDER versions:

Needed fixes for PartKeepr 0.1.8 Replace the following line in src/backend/PartKeepr/Setup/Setup.php:

$classLoader = new ClassLoader('Symfony', 'Doctrine');


$classLoader = new ClassLoader('Symfony');</pre