Developers/Unit Testing

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Most PartKeepr tests are actually functional tests. Because we do automated testing using Travis CI, you need to specify your test database prior executing phpunit:

# Specifies the database connection to use. Other choices are mysql and pgsql as specified in [ config_test.yml]
export SYMFONY__TESTDB=sqlite 
vendor/bin/phpunit -c app/

You can also specify a test file by appending it to the command line:

vendor/bin/phpunit -c app/ src/PartKeepr/UnitBundle/Tests/Model/UnitTest.php

Since the functional tests use quite some disk I/O, it is recommended that you place your files on a SSD for unit testing (8 seconds vs. several minutes).

Common Issues

Fatal error: Call to undefined method PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::printVersionString()

This might happen if you are using a local PHPUnit installation. You should use the phpunit version installed in


Unable to find file "@PartKeeprFrontendBundle/Resources/public/js/"

Sometimes the cache messes up unit tests, as we are doing functional tests. You should regenerate the environment.

Writing unit tests

Whenever you write tests, your test class should extend PartKeepr\CoreBundle\Tests\WebTestCase. Don't confuse it with Liip\FunctionalTestBundle\Test\WebTestCase, which will lead to strange problems since it loads the wrong AppKernel.

Using the iri_converter

Since PartKeepr uses IRIs instead of simple numeric IDs, you should use the iri_converter to convert your objects to IRIs and vice versa.

Inside your tests, you can use $this->getContainer()->get("api.iri_converter") to retrieve the IRI converter.