New and Noteworthy/0.75

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GUI Changes

Hierarchical Storage Locations

NewAndNoteworthy 0.75 Storage Location Hierarchy.png

You can now categorize storage locations to build a storage location hierarchy. This is useful if you have multiple warehouses.

Improved Category and Storage Location Pickers

NewAndNoteworthy 0.75 Category Selector.png

The category and storage location pickers have been greatly enhanced. You no longer need the mouse to select a category or storage location - you can simply type the desired name and the best matches are displayed. Once you hit enter or tab, the selected storage location or category is set.

NewAndNoteworthy 0.75 Storage Location Selector.png

Disk Space Display

NewAndNoteworthy 0.75 Disk Space.png

The upload dialog now shows the used and available disk space.

Reworked Part Info

NewAndNoteworthy 0.75 Attachment View.png

The part info panel has been reworked to display the attachments

HTML5 Webcam Upload

Webcam pictures can now be uploaded using HTML5. No Adobe Flash is required anymore.

Custom Export

NewAndNoteworthy 0.75 Custom Export.png

In addition to export the currently visible grid as CSV or Excel 2007 formats, a new custom export has been implemented.

It is possible to define exactly which data should be exported, and this also works on relations as well (for example, export the storage location name and category for parts). The custom export exports all data, and not only the data visible in the current grid page.

Technical Changes

  • PartKeepr now uses the Symfony framework
  • The REST API has dramatically changed. PartKeepr now uses JSON-LD and Hydra, both W3-backed upcoming standards

Known Issues

  • Some menu icons don't display in Firefox